L2 🪶

The integrity of the L1
Transact at the speed of light
Microcontroller to cloud scale

# Why
Most on-going service engagements are unidirectional two-party: someone provides a service, and someone consumes the service. And normally the consumer pays for it.
Subbit is an L2 that models this. Just this.
Because subbit is focused, it's featherweight. There's no skimping on security: The subbit smart contract protects both parties from foul play.

# ELI5
Alice runs an API service. Bob wants to use it. Bob opens an subbit account by locking ada up at the subbit smart contract. Alice spots the new account on chain. Now when Bob uses the API, Alice knows the request is coming from Bob, and that Bob is a paying customer.
Bob doesn't pay immediately. The transaction fees would be too high, and too much latency for a usable service. Instead he hands Alice verifiable IOUs. When Alice needs to pay her server bills, she sumbits the latest IOU to the L1 and claims what she's owed. In fact, Alice can settle many accounts in a single transaction.
When Bob decides he no longer wants to use Alice's service, he closes his account. Alice sees this, and makes her last claim. Bob can then retrieve the rest of his funds.

# Yes!
It's a great idea! Where do I start?
Glad you think so! There are a couple of things that would be a great help.
To get an idea of the feature set, check out our demo. It's just a slide show but you can get the gist.

# Contact
Questions, comments, suggestions? Reach us on catalyst, twitter, or send us an email via